Tag: book

Look What I Found: Subtle Tile Patterns


If you are in need for some texture in your designs, but you want it to be light and seamless, this is a set for you.

Check them out!

Subtle Tile Patterns

Printables: Inspiring Moments Wall Art 4×4 Inches


Decorate your space with this beautiful and delicate set of black and white (with a dash of pink) photos (4×4 inches).

To download JPG files just click the download button.


Quote of the Week: I Don’t Worry. I Don’t Doubt. I’m Daring. I’m A Rebel.


I Don't Worry. I Don't Doubt. I'm Daring. I'm A Rebel.∗ To DOWNLOAD click on the image and choose the download icon ↓ ∗

Have a nice week!

INFO: Glamour Brush | Typewriter Book

Tutorial Time: Stylized Comic Book Effect


Stylized Comic Book EffectThis is currently my favorite comic book effect tutorial. I really like the look of pencil drawn edges and the softness of the final image. And all of that under 8 minutes!
Check it out!

You can find it here:
Stylized Comic Book Effect