Tag: free brushes for photoshop

Goodies: Love Photoshop Brushes


This week’s freebie is a set of 11 high resolution love inspired brushes for Photoshop (approximate size: 1000 pixels).

Love Photoshop Brushes are FREE for personal and commercial use. Comments and credits are always greatly appreciated. To download just click the download button.

Goodies: Distressed Marker Brushes


Distressed Marker Brushes Preview

This week’s freebie is a set of 10 high resolution distressed marker brushes for Photoshop. They range from 2350-3012 pixels large.

Distressed Marker Photoshop Brushes are FREE for personal and commercial use. Comments and credits are always greatly appreciated. To download just click the download button.

Goodies: Holiday Greetings Brushes


Holiday Greetings Brushes Preview

These Holiday Greetings Brushes are deliberately made distressed, so it would look like they were written in chalk. This brush set includes complete greetings, as well as words and ornaments as individual elements. Pair them with some chalkboard textures and you can have a quick and easy chalkboard-style holiday card!

If you want to learn how to make your own chalkboard texture, check out my Make Your Own Chalkboard In Photoshop Tutorial.

Holiday Greetings Photoshop Brushes are FREE for personal and commercial use. Comments and credits are always greatly appreciated. To download just click the download button.

Chalkboard Labels Holiday Greetings PreviewYou can purchase already made and ready for print version of Holiday Greetings in my Etsy shop:
Chalkboard Labels Holiday Greetings Printable, 6 png Labels, 1 PDF, INSTANT DOWNLOAD

Just print them out!

Goodies: Doodle Diamonds Brushes


Doodle Diamonds Brushes Preview

As you have probably noticed, these are the same diamonds I used in my Diamonds Patterns. I thought maybe some of you would like to have them as Photoshop brushes as well, so here they are.

Doodle Diamonds Photoshop Brushes are FREE for personal and commercial use. Comments and credits are always greatly appreciated. To download just click the download button.