Tag: picture

Look What I Found: Free High Resolution Images



Gratisography is a place where you can download pretty nifty and fun high resolution photos that are completely free and can be used on any personal or commercial project without copyright restrictions. All pictures were photographed by Ryan McGuire and new photos are added each week. Loving!

Check it out!


Printable: Retro Alphabet


Retro Alphabet Preview

Shake off the dust off your favorite pair of scissors and… let’s begin! These letters are 1,4 inches tall and each one has its own retro pattern. You can use them to give an old picture frame some character (like in the picture:)). Also, you can use them for scrapbooking or you can glue little magnets on their back sides and find them a place on your fridge. The possibilities are endless…

Have fun and enjoy!

To download pdf file just click the download button.

