Tag: vintage photoshop action

Tutorial Time: Create The Instagram Crema Filter In Photoshop


Create Instagram Crema Filter

Get this lovely retro feel on your photos with ease – in just 3 simple steps! Or download the free Photoshop action! Whatever rocks your boat!

Check it out!

You can find it here:
How to create the Instagram Crema Filter in Photoshop (with Free action!)

Look What I Found: Retro Style Photoshop Actions


10 Free Retro Style Photo Effect Photoshop ActionsIt is a well known and accepted fact that I truly enjoy everything retro related. So, I couldn’t pass on mentioning this set of really gorgeous retro Photoshop actions. Also, their creator was very kind to include a tutorial on his site on how to use them!

Check them out!

You can find them here:
10 Free Retro Style Photo Effect Photoshop Actions

Goodies: Soft Vintage Photoshop Action


Soft Vintage Photoshop Action Preview

Lately I’ve been loving this soft, romantic vintage feel on photos, so I’ve made my own action to achieve it even faster. And, I want to share it with you! I used non-destructive adjustment layers to get this effect so you can modify them according to your personal preferences.

Soft Vintage Photoshop Action is FREE for personal and commercial use. Comments and credits are always greatly appreciated. To download just click the download button.

Look What I Found: VSCO Action Pack


VSCOish Actions Pack 2Simple, yet effective Photoshop actions, perfect for spicing up some dull photos. My favorite one is „breakfast“, but I am also very fond of „memory“.

Check them out!

You can find them here:
VSCOish Action Pack 2

Look What I Found: Vintage Light Action


2 - Vintage lightIn my opinion, this Photoshop action looks best on bright and slightly sunny photos, even those gently colored. That way it gives these subtle but colorful vintage light streaks, which affect the overall mildness and tranquility of the photo.

Check it out!

You can find it here:
2 – Vintage light