Tag: Watercolor Effect

Tutorial Time: How To Create A Watercolor Look In Photoshop


Photoshop fashion design tutorial: How to create a watercolor look This Photoshop tutorial is so much fun and very easy to understand! I could stay up all night just mixing colors and feeling like a kid, but with no mess ;) Don’t miss on learning some very cool techniques on how to make simple but pretty realistic watercolor artwork.

Check it out!

You can find it here:
Photoshop fashion design tutorial: How to create a watercolor look | lynda.com

Tutorial Time: Easy Watercolor Effect


Super Cool Watercolor Effect in 10 steps in PhotoshopLoving the final result! I guess this is „watercolor week“! But before I recommend this tutorial I would like to point out some parts that might be a little bit confusing. In STEP 3, after you change the Opacity of that top paper layer to 75%, I recommend setting the Blend Mode of that same layer to Multiply, to get a clearer picture.

In STEP 4 you don’t need to put photo layer in a Group Layer, just apply Layer Mask>Hide all directly to the photo layer. And, of course, play around to get the best result!

Check it out!

You can find it here:
Super Cool Watercolor Effect in 10 steps in Photoshop

Tutorial Time: Watercolor Photo Manipulation


Watercolor Photo ManipulationAlt +Ctrl+ G – Create Clipping Mask!
After this tutorial, you will definitely know a little bit more about using clipping masks.

Check it out!

You can find it here:
Photoshop Cs5 Tutorial: Watercolor Photo Manipulation