Tutorial Time: How To Install Patterns In Photoshop

How To Install Patterns In Photoshop

Found some great Photoshop patterns and don’t know how to use them?
No problem. I will show you a simple way how to install them in Photoshop. So, let’s begin! (For a larger view click on the images.)

I will be using my Pretty Pastel Patterns to demonstrate.

First of all, you’ll need to download them and save them on your computer. Sometimes patterns will come in ZIP format (like these ones), so you’ll need to unzip them first. You can identify Photoshop patterns by their .PAT file extension.

Create a new document in Photoshop. Mine was 1000×1000 pixels.
To install Photoshop patterns you’ll need to:

Go to Layer > New Fill Layer > Pattern. On the New Layer window click OK. That will open a Pattern Fill window. As you can see, it immediately loaded a pattern which you already had in Photoshop.

How To Install Patterns In Photoshop - 1

On the Pattern Fill window click on the small arrow on the right side of the pattern preview box and then click on the “flower” on the right side and choose Load Patterns.

How To Install Patterns In Photoshop - 2

Browse to the folder with the patterns you want to install, open it and click Load. And that’s it! You can make it bigger or smaller by playing with the scale percentage.

How To Install Patterns In Photoshop - 3


    • Hi! You can load only files that have PAT extension. But you can turn PNG or JPG file into a pattern file by opening it in Photoshop and then go to Edit – Define Pattern.
      Hope this helps!

  1. Hello! Thank you very much for the tip. I was looking on the internet to open a PAT file and your tip helped me. Thanks.


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